Beta Mu chapter was organized in 1934 at Provident Hospital on the south side of Chicago. The first Basileus was Myrtis Ragland. Miss Hulda Margaret Lyttle was present to initiate and install the membership and officers of the sorority.(4)

We are in the process of uncovering more of our rich history. Some of the "past" activities include contributions to Greer House (shelter for homeless pregnant girls), The HBCU's, and Helping Hand Community Day Nursery.

Lambda Pi Alpha Sorority continues to grow through the admission of pledgees to the sorority and the initiation of our undergraduate chapter "Alph Beta" at Chicago State University. Our fundraising efforts include a fall and a spring fundraiser . We are a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.

​Some of the projects recorded in the Defender include: 

  • ​Decorating room 505 in Provident Hospital in 1957.(5)
  • Fundraising through formal dances, teas, cabaret parties (6)(7)
  • The Sorority also held plays and fashion shows. 

The sorority continues to be a resource to the community. Our service projects include:

Donations to homeless and domestic abuse shelters, donations to schools, blood pressure screenings, presentation of scholarships to deserving nursing students and prior participation in the Bud Billiken Parade.



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Myrtis Ragland - First Basileus of Beta Mu         Chapter - Lambda Pi Alpha Sorority

​Our mission continues as in 1933, which is to raise the professional standards of nursing. We accomplish this by establishing scholarships for nursing students, encouraging registered nurses to continue their education, and through participation in community activites.

​​​Lambda Pi Alpha Sorority was founded in 1930 by Hulda Margaret Lyttle in Nashville Tennessee at the Hubbard Hospital on the Meharry Medical College Campus(1) and was granted a charter by the State of Tennessee in 1933. The objective of the sorority was to stimulate scholarship and efficiency in practice among student nurses, and to help promote a desire for further study in nursing education among graduate nurses. (1) 

1. ​Nurse Gets Scholarship At Meharry. The Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); June 15, 1935.  ProQuest Historical Newspapers. The Chicago/Defender p4.

2. Second Boule Of Lambda Pi Alpha Plans Fund. The Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); Sept 4, 1937. ProQuest Historical Newspapers. The Chicago/Defender p14.

3. Graduate Nurses Hold Annual Session At Dillard University. The Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); Sep 7, 1935. ProQuest Historical Newspapers. The Chicago/Defender p6.

​4. Nurses Meet and Organize New Sorority. The Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); July 7, 1934. ProQuest Historical Newspapers. The Chicago/Defender p5. 

5. Sorors Furnish Hospital Room. Daily Defender (Daily edition) (1956-1960); April 11, 1957; ProQuest Historical Newspapers. The Chicago /Defender p12.

​6. Social Gaiety Extended By Lambda Pi Alpha Sorority. TheChicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); May 9, 1942; ProQuest Historical Newspapers. The Chicago/ Defender p8. 

​7. Nurses Give Tea. TheChicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967) May 9, 1942; ProQuest Historical newspapers. The Chicago /Defender p18.